What should you do when a parent thinks your SO isn't the one for you?

My mom doesn't want me to commit to my boyfriend. She has very valid reasons, she says she's seeing what happened to her and my dad possibly happening to me which isn't good. The problem is in my teenage brain I keep thinking we cam solve everything and no matter how much I try to understand what my mom is saying it's not rationalizing fully in my head. Thinking of leaving my boyfriend who us also my best friend is terrifying to me and for him too. We're very close to each other so separating feels like too much pain. I'd never want him to not be in my life so I'd love to have him as a friend but how do I do that when we love each other? My mom wants me with a stronger man, a man who'd take initiative and lead me right. I'm a bit more mature that my boyfriend but he's very teachable, he always trying to better himself to love me right. I'm really don't want to leave him but I'm also scared of marrying him then regretting it. I'm almost 18 (1 month from now) and he's 19 and we've talked about eventually getting married when we're around 25, we don't wanna rush him but as long as I live by my mom she won't allow me to date him even if I wanted to. I know it's important that our purposes/values/goals align as well. Thinking about this makes me feel sick and I don't know what to došŸ™

What should you do when a parent thinks your SO isn't the one for you?
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