What man or woman would even marry someone that cheats with their friend?

Ok I know this isn't my business but I can't help but laugh at this story:

So the ideal, perfect family doesn't exist at all?

She went from a former cheating girlfriend to a present-day wife. The man had a revenge affair years later but at least he confessed. She on the other hand, cheats with his best friend on her boyfriend's own house, in his couch. They get caught in the act. They still get married 4 years later.

The outcome: They'll in their early 50's by now, still married and supposedly fully reconciled base on what the poster said. Their children are all adults and likely moved out.

Who would even marry such person of clearly low morals? What man or woman marries someone that gets caught cheating with their friend?

5 d
The only thing right that woman did is birthing his own babies. Ok so she at least wasn't that evil enough to do a paternity fraud on that man.
What man or woman would even marry someone that cheats with their friend?
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