Girls, is it a valid reason to fall in love with someone because they take care of you?

She's one of those people I meet every other night at a pub and we're all good, like a gang of 6 people meeting often. We only open up about our lives when drunk, and explicitly only with those we trust, like waiting for others to leave first. Now whenever I needed to withdraw in the past, it now turned out that this one woman had actually wondered where I've been, because I'm not talking as much (others noticed so as well) and she's okay with that. Yet she noticed when I felt down or once had issues with my blood pressure. I had to go outside and without asking, she came with me and took care that I wouldn't collapse right there. I just stick to this memory since I can't recall any other woman having been this attentive. But also whenever I seemed to not feel like going there and being social... while others would have considered me as weird, she was giving me like extra attention, saying, "see you" instead of just leaving like the others.

I can imagine that this would seem normal to others, but while in my case it just isn't, is this attitude of hers a valid reason to say I'm kind of in love with her?

Girls, is it a valid reason to fall in love with someone because they take care of you?
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