Do Relationship Breaks Work?

So myself , 30/F, and my partner, 28/M, have been together for 4 years and engaged for 2 (he proposed). We live together basically since day one (Covid circumstances made it that way) and we haven’t been apart for long days in a row since. We are the old story of “opposite sides attract”, we are very different people. And it has caused some issues before but lately it’s more and more. It got to a point where he started acting weird and cold. Hence I asked him what was wrong and he simple said that he was losing interest, not just on me but everything else in his life. That he didn’t know if he loved me as his fiancée or just as a friend, but he knew he had strong feelings towards me. He also said that at some point it occurred to him that he may be with me due to not being alone, so he wasn’t sure what to do. I gave the idea of us being on a break to try to figure out. But I feel like I’ve made the wrong decision on that. I feel like this break is only avoiding the inevitable, and it’s been hard to cope. I need any advice on how to go forward as my stubborn head can’t get anything through. Thank you. Ps: he did cheat on me once, over 2 years ago yet I forgave him and he was the one who told me hours after it. I’ve profusely asked him if there was anyone else and he has denied it saying he needs peace and quiet and not someone else that’d cause drama.

Do Relationship Breaks Work?
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