Would you have sex with someone knowing that your ex was in the next room?

I broke up with my ex-girlfriend about two months ago, but I continued to live in her house. She's started seeing someone, which I think is fine, but she asked me a few days ago if she could bring that person home, and I said it would be too uncomfortable. A few days later she brought someone round, came into my room at 4am drunk and said she was at home with someone...

If you were my ex-girlfriend, would you have done what she did (especially when we were trying to finish as friends)?

And what would you have done if you were me, knowing that she was having sex with someone in the next room?

If it were my house, of course
I would never do something like that
Depends on who broke up with whom
If we're no longer together, I can do whatever I want
It's complicated
you shouldn't live with your ex
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Would you have sex with someone knowing that your ex was in the next room?
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