How do you feel when you see your partner crying?

How do you feel when you see your partner crying?

I feel horrible when that happens.

Today the Woman's association my wife is involved in had the election of their new President, and my wife was running for the position.

She was the seeming favorite and everyone hyped her to try and throw her hat in, and she campaigned and worked hard for the last months (just like the current political elections, because it has political connotations), and shs had prepared quite a number of projects for her term.

At first things were going well, but when they started counting the votes she texted me things weren't going that well. I came over and she was there with the face she makes when she's trying hard to not cry. She lost by a very large margin, and some people had put not very flattering comments on their votes.

She didn't even stay for the post-election party, she just wanted to go home. She was crying out of bitterness and was confused why she did so bad when pretty much everyone was convinced she would win. I did my best to console her and remind her that politics are like that and to not take it personally, she said she feels it's personal and went straight to bed.

I am leaving her alone for now, I'll try to talk about it tomorrow.

How do you feel when you see your partner crying?
Post Opinion