Have you ever gotten your parents to accept your partner that they hated: wife, husband boyfriend, etc?

My ex partner parents hated me no matter what I did they none stopped judged me. I come from a poor family learned everything I currently known by myself I was in college but had to dropped out because my house burned down I had to drop out since I couldn’t afford a place to stay and college. I thought her parents would show me some kindness but they still didn’t care and judged me said I should have kept sleeping in the park to finish college. I currently make $20 a hour almost done getting two more certificates that will make it 26-$30 a hour while in nursing school. I’m doing a lot better but never got over how poorly my ex girlfriend parents treated me because I was black and poor. So I’m just wonder if Anyone else has experience this and was able to fix their relationship?

O almost forget I never been rude or disrespectful to my ex girlfriend of 8 years parents in anyway even when they cursed me out to my face. The most I done is call the cops after they beat my girlfriend up and forced he to get rid of are unborn twins. I have also refused to allow them near my ex girlfriend once she got pregnant with are now 5 year old daughter. I have never done anything to her parents but always treat super poorly or blames for things I didn’t do. girlfriend starts lying to her parents about dumb things since her parents didn’t truest her over dating me. My reply we were down the street at the movies she lied because she’s was upset you dont truest her over dating a black men.
Have you ever gotten your parents to accept your partner that they hated: wife, husband boyfriend, etc?
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