If a woman baby-trapped the guy but things worked out and it's been 20+ years later, should she ever confess?

Sometimes it doesn't work out and the guy bails but in other cases, the man actually does marries her (unaware of what she did), they go on having another child or children and she dies with that secret. That must be why it's named baby-trapping.

I was reading a woman's story about how she did that to her then boyfriend of 5 years. She was tired of him delaying things with promises of ''one day we'll get married'', was scared to lose him and her fertile years if they never got married and didn't want any other man (both were virgins) that wasn't him. She didn't want to ever break-up, didn't want to start over nor have a child with another man she would then never love. Basically she wanted to keep him permanently. The couple are now in their mid-late 20's and have 3 children; 2 young men and a teenaged daughter. Their oldest son is 20-21 years old by now and the husband is unaware she deliberately planned that pregnancy by not taking birth control pills. The guy still thinks it's a baby from God, a miracle birth. The woman in the story feels terrible for what she did but has confirmed she'll take that to the grave.

I just found out my paternal grandma did with their first child too. She was tired of being a girlfriend after 4 years and wanted to have him forever. Grandpa only found out after her death, upon reading her old, diary.

If a woman baby-trapped the guy but things worked out and it's been 20+ years later, should she ever confess?
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