Why is it some women still feel they have “weight to push” when they pursue and/or marry a man for his money?

I had a good conversation with an older friend of mine who is divorced and is currently dating women close to his age. He told one of his dates straight up he wasn’t in a good place financially (which is true) before they went out on a date. But she attempted to mooch off him anyway.

Anyway some well off older guys are too proud to get escorts and/or want to have an illusion that the “relationship” is real. Some women are very good at seducing men into falsely believing that. They have no shame about what they are doing. Hence they expect to be treated like an “equal” in the relationship when in reality they aren’t equal at all.

In my opinion a gold digger is of exponentially lower moral value then a prostitute. Primary reason why is because she wants to put on a facade that her intentions are genuine when they aren’t at all. At least prostitutes are honest when it comes to what a transaction is all about. Gold diggers in western countries are also walking paradoxes of feminism (funny how feminists are often tight lipped about this). We will never achieve true gender equality in the west as women keep doing this crap. It’s not just older generations of women either. Younger women are still pursuing men just for money.

Not to say a rich man has a license to outright (full on legitimately) abuse his sugar baby girlfriend or wife. But when a gold digger pursues a rich man she really has little to offer besides her body and fake companionship. She made a decision to sell herself.

What makes some women think they are still “equals” in these scenarios? Just because they have vaginas?

Why is it some women still feel they have “weight to push” when they pursue and/or marry a man for his money?
Post Opinion