Why is it so important for your partner to stay devoted and monogamous to you? If you don't believe in monogamy, what are your main reasons?

If you are a true follower a set of religious or spiritual practices/beliefs, I completely understand, but if you don't, what's your reason?

Are you bad at socializing with others? Do you feel like one-on-one creates a stronger bond?

Is it too much work to juggle people? Is it too much work to find a good partner in the first place?

Are you unable to attract anyone of higher quality? Do you want your story to be like Disney? Do you have no idea, and have I given you incentive to explore your options?

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I am completely aware that some of you are down to cheat but still want your partner to stay loyal to just you. This question is asking why you want your partner to stay committed to just you. If you cheated or are open to cheating while wanting loyalty, please share why.
Do you just want new experiences but you feel powerful because you have complete commitment from someone? What is it? Do you just not have any self-control when you see someone hot? Do you not think it's morally wrong or?
1 y
Just in case you're wondering, I personally have always loved the idea of a monogamous committed relationship. Maybe it is because I grew up going to church every Sunday. It just feels right to me. I don't know if it's just traditional thinking, but I do feel adding another person usually creates jealousy and complications. Also more likely to get an STD. Also how does taking care of kids work? Do they all love each kid like their own or never have kids? Restricting birth seems unnatural to me.
Why is it so important for your partner to stay devoted and monogamous to you? If you don't believe in monogamy, what are your main reasons?
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