Forever alone. Joke or Humilation?

A week ago I get invited to go out with friends. After an afternoon spent for shopping and an aperitif, we stop at a friend's house to end the evening with a movie. There were 5 of us: me and 2 newly born couples. Halfway through the movie the 2 couples start kissing. I pretend nothing happened and continue to watch the movie. I would have preferred to leave with an apology but I was afraid that I would be caught and accused of being a spoilsport. The joke of one of the girls comes soon: "Why don't you join us?" . Immediately another girl says: "You could have invited a girl for him too". After this moment they stopped kissing and we resumed watching the movie. I was red with embarrassment. It's like they made fun of being without a girlfriend, which I found a humiliating blow. I haven't talked to anyone about it yet. I don't know if I will do it. I don't know if I have to give too much matter to this story.

Who can I tell about it without sounding inadequate and lame?

I hope I was understandable

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Forever alone. Joke or Humilation?
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