I meet guys and make them frnds I am never interested in them romantically but something inside me wants them to be romantically interested in me?

I can't help but make them fall for me. Even I'll never be 1% romantically interested in them. I just like when they crave me. When they finally purposes me. I don't answer i ask them about their feelings in so much Detailed way I don't know I feel pleasure listening when they tell me how intense they feel about me and what made them fall for me. After that I deny in the most nicest way possible that they are so good they deserve better and tell them I can never think of them in that way. Make them feel bad for falling for me and even thinking about me in that way they would feel guilty and mostly pedophile as I m always younger than them at least 8 years. Just like this then they don't want my frndship anymore cuz they only want me romantically but I still want them to be my frnd. I don't know this idea is so fantasizing that someone loves you no matter what. But none of them stays even knowing I'll never be theirs. what I always want is someone to be selflessly and madly in love with me even knowing I'll never be his.
I meet guys and make them frnds I am never interested in them romantically but something inside me wants them to be romantically interested in me?
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