It just seems he does the bare minimum.

so I have had a boyfriend for about a month and things are going well.but it seems funny because he doesn't text me like at all never talks on the phone. and it just seems he does the bare minimum. but the worst part is to me it really feels like he just cares about me when were together and its hard for him to care about me when I'm not with him!? its making me crazy and its difficult to focus on school now that it has consumed my immediate thoughts.any help.i need to hear some advice and when were together its great
+1 y
thank you so much for all your answers. so yesterday.i told him through a text that if he replied to me it would make me feel like you appreciate me. which he probably didn't understand since he's a guy. lol ?
+1 y
i just need to feel taht he cares since he never says anything to me about it. but I just love the way he acts in person
It just seems he does the bare minimum.
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