What does he really mean by saying there is always gonna be a place for me?

So recently I got in touch with my ex after not a full year of no contact period. I am in fresh new relationship and he knows that. Me and my ex would be always very close to each other.. our relationship was always a non stop roller coaster. He knows I love him deeply to this day.. I know he has feelings for me too but also lots of doubts too, and our relationship was always passionate yet rocky with lots of miscommunication. Recently we expressed that we miss each other.. he said he misses me and has a right to miss me. I was pulling off at first but after some time also admitted I missed him too. I expressed I want to see him again... he agreed. Anyways shortly he said this :

"I also miss you and i guess this is a great idea
No matter how busy busy it is there is always place for you"

So what do you guys think this message really means? Does he truly miss me? Why would he agree to see me even though he knows I am with someone else? and he is very jealous type of man and conservative.

I wanna hear any of your thoughts? Thanks.
What does he really mean by saying there is always gonna be a place for me?
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