Do 'breaks' in a relationship actually work?

Do 'breaks' in a relationship actually work? I told my boyfriend of 4 years that I think it might be a good idea to take a break for a while. We got caught in a rut and we have been fighting non stop and on top of all of this, I just turned 21 and he has gotten very controlling over what I can and can not do. He does not agree in taking a break and keeps telling me if I loved him we wouldn't take a break. Well I do love him but I think this is what's best for both of us? Any advice helps!
+1 y
To add to this... We are also in very different places in our relationship... He wants to get married and buy a house, and although we do live together and everything, I am not fully ready to take these big steps yet...
Do 'breaks' in a relationship actually work?
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