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I live in a really bad neighborhood by myself and a friend suggested I buy a gun. Do you think it's a good idea to buy a gun for protection?

I told my friend how afraid I am living by myself and I suggested getting some wooden dowels to put on the track of the sliding glass door and one for the sliding window too.
She refused to help me by buy. them for me, but I would feel safer if I had them. I don't have anyone else to go to Home Depot and buy them for me, so I am upset with her.
She said I need to buy a darn gun. My luck, I get a gun and someone breaks in and takes the gun from me and shoots me with it.
I value and appreciate your opinion on this scary situation I am in.
Thank you!
I live in a really bad neighborhood by myself and a friend suggested I buy a gun. Do you think it's a good idea to buy a gun for protection?
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