Have you ever felt like you need to make significant changes to your life to be happy, but don't know what?

I can't keep doing the same things and expecting different results. I know that. I just don't know what to do... I'm really confused, and don't know how to get clarity on it. I'm at home now at 33(scary number), even though I can afford to be on my own... I don't know where to live. My company does not care if I come in to the office or not, so there is no pressure to live near there (I used to work in NYC). I am not a city person, but I get that being near one would probably help me meet a woman or make more friends, but I really don't know where I want to live. I also want to run for significant political office, and I am conservative, so I really can't be in an area like that for this anyway. I have no idea what to do! I feel so lost. :( I also need to start driving more... and haven't been... not sure why really.

Have you ever felt like you need to make significant changes to your life to be happy, but don't know what?
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