Girls like cute animals, guys like dangerous animals. True or false?

Here's the thing. As a kid growing up, I was into animals. Thanks to my grandmother and my old daycare's books, I would constantly be learning facts about animals. And a lot of them that I liked were either dangerous or aggressive and violent, especially carnivores. Examples of this include Spotted Hyenas, Komodo Dragons, Honey Badgers, African Crowned Eagles, Cassowaries, Nile Crocodiles, tigers (Siberan Tigers especially), et cetera. This isn't to say that I hate cute animals. On the contrary; I have a soft spot for domestic cats, baby crocodiles/alligators (they make a cute squeaking sound), some dog breeds, and hedgehogs. It's just that aggressive/violent animals are higher up on my list. And I'm 85-90% sure the average man or boy feels the same way.
On the flip side, a lot of women seem to prefer small/cute animals like certain cat/dog breeds, deer, rabbits, etc. At least, from what I've seen. If there's a photo/video of a small, cute little animal like a Pug (dog breed), piglet, or bunny, you best believe that many of the commenters on it will be women.

Obviously, I'm not judging anyone, and there are men who prefer cute animals. The inverse is also true; some women prefer dangerous and violent animals. But based on my observations growing up; men tend to like dangerous animals, and women tend to like cute animals. Do you think this is true, or false? Also, what type of animal do you personally prefer?
+1 y
And for some reason, despite putting space between the paragraphs, they're grouped together for some reason. I really hate how this website doesn't allow you to edit your questions in case you've made an error like this.
Girls like cute animals, guys like dangerous animals. True or false?
Post Opinion