Is there any chance for guys with weak jawline?

Hey everyone, it's my first time here. I had a very simple question: Is there any chance for us guys with weak jawlines to be considered attractive? My face is not that bad when I face a mirror, but as soon as I turn my head around, I see my recessed chin and weak jawline. It's horrible. With all the influence internet has on our mind, I think having a strong jawline became the standard, and that's it's more and more difficult for the average dude to be confident.

Here are some pictures to show you how much of a mess my jaw is: https://imgur. com/a/VQDZJHf

I don't want to be in a relationship where a girl is there only for my personality, status or anything else. I want her to be attracted to me and so far, I'm so self conscious of my appearance that my low confidence resulted in 19 years being single (my whole life.) Plus I can't grow a beard properly so I can't even hide it.

Girls, is there anything that can improve your impression of a guy and can you consider finding a guy attractive despite him having a weak jawline. Thanks in advance !
Is there any chance for guys with weak jawline?
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