Top 5 Superpowers I Want From Movies

1. Super Speed

Top 5 Superpowers I Want From Movies

Have you ever just wanted to travel across the world? With super speed that wouldn't be an issue! Imagine running several miles within seconds! With that kind of speed you should be able to go wherever you want AND still beat traffic! This power definitely has it's advantages, think about all the money you'd safe on gasoline!

2. Super Strength

Top 5 Superpowers I Want From Movies

I've always loved the idea of being able to pick up anything effortlessly, weight is no issue for these heroes! They also have incredible combat skills that make them undeniably one of the cooler superpowers to possess. It would just be awesome to pick up a giant boulder and throw it hundreds of feet into the air into a building!

3. Invisibility

Top 5 Superpowers I Want From Movies

Imagine all of the fun things you could do being invisible! You could be the ultimate prankster, or stop bad guys in their tracks with an unseen and swift kick to the back of the head! There are so many possibilities that it's hard to think of what all this power could be used for! Maybe I can finally be the prankster I've always wanted to be from middle school!

4. Flying

Top 5 Superpowers I Want From Movies

Every hero big or small should be able to fly, hands down this superpower is vital for making a quick get away or even catching up to a villain! I mean, who doesn't want to fly through the sky at hundreds or thousand miles an hour and look like a complete badass while doing it?

5. Telekinesis

Top 5 Superpowers I Want From Movies

By far the coolest power any hero could have, imagine the painful annoyance of reaching a tv remote.. with telekinesis your worries are in the past! Imagine saving the planet from the seat of a chair, no need to stand up and punch the baddies! Make them fly with the power of your mind! Levitate objects with nothing more than the power of thought, it would be the greatest of all powers!

Thanks for reading! Share your powers too!

As always have a delightful day! :)

Top 5 Superpowers I Want From Movies
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