The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

The Mandela effect is a very unusual phenomenon that happens to many people. In which they remember things differently, logically it's known as false memory in the scientific community. Conspiracy theorists claim it's "proof" of parallel universes. The Mandela effect gets it's name from a conspiracy theory that Nelson Mandela died in 1991. I'm not going to discuss whether or not the Mandela effect has some unexplainable element to it, although I personally think it’s “false memory” I'm just going to give specific examples. The Mandela effect/false memory scenarios vary from person to person.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

1.)Berenstain/Berenstein bears: My friend brought this up the other day, he asked me to spell out the name of this book. So I spelled it out "Berenstein", that's

when he told me it's actually "Berenstain". This actually shocked me, all along I've been misspelling the name of the book.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

2.)Matrix interrogation: Mandela effect can also happen in movie scenes. For me, this is probably the first ever Mandela effect occurrence that I remember. I originally remember neo(main protagonist) wearing a black trench coat and black slacks in this scene, when the two agents expose his bare abdomen and hold him down and implant the bug, I remembered a robotic centipede going into his navel and I also don't remember his lips being fused shut.

In the real movie scene, Neo(protagonist) was wearing a white buttoned down long sleeve shirt and a pair of black corduroy pants, his lips were also magically fused shut and instead of a robotic centipede being implanted in him, it's actually a hybrid of a robotic shrimp and dragonfly.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

3.)fruit/froot loops: I remembered it as fruit loops but then I payed closer attention and realized it's actually Froot Loops.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

4.)007 Moonraker, Jaws meets Dolly: This movie scene is a "bad guy gone good" scene in which the towering henchman with metal teeth known as Jaws shows signs of a change of heart when he meets Dolly. Most people, myself included remember Dolly wearing braces but in the actual scene, she isn't wearing braces.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

5.)looney tunes/toons: A bizzare occurrence in which some people remember it being spelled looney toons but in reality it's spelled as looney tunes.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

6.) Hitler’s mustache and eye color: When I was little, I remember skimming through a history book that talked about Hitler. The Mandela effect is how I remember Hitler’s mustache, I remember Hitler having a thin mustache but recently I watched documentaries that talk about Hitler and his mustache is thicker.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

The other Mandela effect that some people noticed is his eye color. Some people think Hitler had brown eyes but in reality he had blue eyes as can be seen in some colorized photos of him and it’s also been confirmed from people who met him face to face.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

7.)Cheez it: Some people remember it as “Cheez its”.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

8.)Goldfinger: I remember watching this movie on TV on various occasions when I was younger, I remember Roger Moore acting in it but then I saw that it was actually Sean Connery who acted in it. I think this is because I watched some of Roger Moore’s James Bond films before this.

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

9.)chick fil A or Chic fil A: I personally keep thinking it’s “chic fil A” but it’s actually Chick fil A

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect

The bizzare phenomenon/mental trickery of the Mandela effect
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