The Mandela Effect Possible Explanation

The Mandela effect: "Is where a bunch of people remember something clearly that actually never really happened in this alternate reality that we are now in."

The Mandela Effect Possible Explanation

Since everyone is going crazy over this...I thought I'd weigh in. Yeah, people seem to think they've seen all of these things in one way and then years later they're shocked when what they've 'known' forever doesn't hold up to what they actually remember.

The Mandela Effect Possible Explanation

Some think it is a parallel universe issue: we've somehow entered into another parallel universe at one point and now what we used to know is no longer a fact but something we miss-remember, i.e., at one point in time what we remember now used to be true...but no longer is due to something that happened in the world that changed the course of our timeline.

The Mandela Effect Possible Explanation

But - the more reasonable explanation (although no one disputes the existence of many different universes that could indeed be parallel) is probably that these people miss-remember what actually happened or they never knew the actual facts in the first place or that these things actually did change - for no big reason...they just did - consciously by their makers, but they don't want to say so, because they hope no one notices the difference, but that it'll somehow help their sales...and that's that.

The Mandela Effect Possible Explanation

The Mandela Effect Possible Explanation
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