How do girls get married if no guy is religous and wants sex til marriage?

I’ve never in my life met a guy that wants sex after marriage.
i see one famous YouTube girl she lived with boyfriend, had baby then got engaged. then second baby then finally married.

I met one ugly nerdy guy with a wheelchair disabled on a Christian dating app, & he doesn’t want sex til marriage. He kept talking of sex and that I’m too beautiful no one can resist waiting til marriage for sex.

i met a guy from Ireland once that was a virgin, wanted marriage with me , meet my family, but he didn’t believe in sex til marriage. He did agree to meet family first but I’m sure he expected sex after that.

im worried as being firm on getting married doesn’t make men marry me or want be my first boyfriend. So who will be the guy that loves me?

im thinking all of this is a myth & in order to get married you don’t need wait for sex til marriage, but simply if he’s the one for you , you will get married period.

everything people say if a fucking lie.

How do girls get married if no guy is religous and wants sex til marriage?
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