Would you marry someone you couldn't trust with your darkest secrets?

I've been seeing a lot of stories recently about men who were on the run for a crime and living under assumed names and their own wives didn't even know.

One man robbed a bank when he was young, and he never got caught and lived under an assumed name his whole life, and only told his family his crime and real name when he was on his death bed.

Another man raped a co-worker almost two decades ago, and was on the run and living under an assumed name the entire time, and his wife only found out about it when he was finally caught by police.

Maybe it's just me, but trust and loyalty are extremely important to me. My conscience would never allow me to decieve someone to that degree, and also, I wouldn't marry a woman I couldn't trust with that kind of sensitive information to begin with.

It's truly saddening that someone could be THAT selfish to stoop to that kind of level of deception! Why would they even marry someone they didn't trust? I were those women I would have been furious and heartbroken and would probably never be able to trust another man again.

I would
No way!
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Would you marry someone you couldn't trust with your darkest secrets?
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