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+1 y

How's the love day treating you so far?

Still missing the same woman I have missed every day for the past seven years. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Hitting reset button on relationship?

I've tried it and failed at it. The suspicion is always there. It eats at you until the break up point. I don't think she'll be able to fully commit to you while having feelings for the other guy.... Valentine's Day

+1 y

Did you ever have to go to the principal's office? If so, what for?

Of course! My humor at the time wasn't for everyone. I made a joke in 7th about a rather nasty ex of mine. I broke up with her and she just kept insulting me in school, in front of others, for... Other

+1 y

Would you snitch on your best friend if he/she cheated?

My friends know better than to put me in that spot. Because I hate cheaters and will tell. Especially when leaving them is infinitely easier in the first place. Relationships

+1 y

Would you rather go back in time or into the future?

1979 that way I could die before people lost ability to take a joke. Other

+1 y

What's the biggest thing that happened to you in 2018?

For the first time in 6yrs I felt compelled to ask a woman out. Holidays

+1 y

Is the silent treatment immature?

Yes. It's just another form of emotional blackmail. Relationships

+1 y

Mirror on the ceiling, weird or cool? And what's the purpose?

Where else do I hide the camera? Other

+1 y

Have you ever developed a romantic or sexual interest in someone who was already a good friend?

Yes, I have developed a sexual or romantic interest in someone who was already a friend. I revealed my feelings to them, they were interested, but we both had bad timing. Relationships

+1 y

Have you ever skinny dipped with friends of the opposite sex?

All the time from 14 to 16. Other

+1 y

If you could flawlessly play any one instrument instantaneous, what would you choose and why?

I'll stick with the one that made me so popular in Junior High Other

+1 y

Valentine's Day Photo Contest: What was your most romantic experience?

I would've written a great story but sadly the picture you want violates my privacy rules. Best of luck to everyone else though. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Has the #metoo movement changed how you look at potential romantic relationships?

No more than usual but I've been out of the dating scene for a few years anyways. Women's Day

+1 y

My boyfriend wants a DNA test if I ever get pregnant?

It wouldn't bother me either way. It's a small test. Personally I would enjoy the chance to see how the DNA was divided. Relationships

+1 y

Why do guys want a daughter more than wanting a son?

In my view it's easier to protect a girl until she becomes a woman than it is to teach a boy how to be a man. Relationships

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