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+1 y

A married man wants to leave his family for me. I am scared and don’t know what to do?

Yeah unless he's done it for his own reasons then it's not really gonna work out. Relationships

+1 y

If you had the option to hit restart and begin life all over again, would you?

As long as I could remember two things, you bet I would! Other

+1 y

How different are love and lust really?

Lust is an inescapable urge that will ruin your life if you can't control it. Love is an idea born out of familiarity and time spent with someone we bumped into accidentally. Relationships

+1 y

Is it okay if I ask my girl to shave her arms?

I wouldn't but that's me, I like life. Relationships

+1 y

Are 18-19-year-olds adults or children?

I consider them to be Newly Escaped Mental Patients. They've been institutionalized for so long they just want to misbehave. Usually lasting about 3-6 years, occasionally longer. Then you... Other

+1 y

My boyfriend doesn't want to marry me because of my past? What should I do?

If you had to lie about it in the first place, it's not the relationship for you. Relationships

+1 y

Why do some guys run away when things get hard?

We like to think before we speak in a heated debate. Yet most women love to push us for the quick answer even though they'll dislike it. Relationships

+1 y

Do women think it's problematic if their boyfriend never cries?

In my experience they just want men to cry at happy moments like weddings, births and romantic moments. But aside from those and funerals, crying doesn't go over well. Relationships

+1 y

Do you prefer to live alone or with other people (family, friends, etc.)?

Been alone and on my own now for 7 years. I'd be hard pressed trying to live with another person again. Roommates can be okay as long as they're reliable for Rent and Chores otherwise you end up... Other

+1 y

Does being quiet make you creepy? Are you more quiet or talkative?

Creepy depends on stares and smiles. Or lack there of. Every 3 seconds look at something else. Other

+1 y

Do all guys fancy their female friends?

Not as much as you might think. If there's an attraction at the start I will mention it otherwise it's a normal friendship. Relationships

+1 y

Do you share food with your partner?

Since nobody's said it yet Joey doesn't share food! Relationships

+1 y

In honor of all women today... Have you seen the new “Captain Marvel” movie yet?

i will wait for the ORIGINAL Captain Marvel to come out next month. Ms. Marvel can stop stealing titles in the meantime. Women's Day

+1 y

Which are you hoping for in a relationship, long term or short term?

Long or short doesn't concern me too much at this point in life. Someone emotionally stable would be preferred. That way if it doesn't work out we can at least part as friends. Relationships

+1 y

Do you flaunt your valentines gifts on social media?

All guys get is sex... and we all know you can post that stuff. Valentine's Day

+1 y

How's the love day treating you so far?

Still missing the same woman I have missed every day for the past seven years. Valentine's Day

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