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+1 y

What's your favorite swear word?

I tend to be in traffic a lot when I swear and it's not one of them more than the others, it's all of them at once. Other

+1 y

What should I do? Client trying to get me fired?

Yes tell the boss. "Always cover your ass" Other

+1 y

Should there be any privacy in a relationship?

That and occasional space should always be allowed. Relationships

+1 y

Whats more painfull being kicked in the dick or punched on the boobs?

Comparatively I have no real way of knowing but I'm gonna say kicked in the nuts is worse. Other

+1 y

Should men and women do an equal amount of housework?

Men and Women as in a couple, yes of course. I'd advise against just randomly grabbing a person of the street and saying "Your Turn." (Might have to answer some questions later.) But if it... Relationships

+1 y

Do you ever feel jealous of happy couples?

Mostly I just feel suspicious around them but occasionally I will have a "Ted" moment. Relationships

+1 y

Have you ever been obsessed with a guy or girl before?

Nope I've only recently become human. Near as I can tell at least. Relationships

+1 y

Would you rather get one payment of $2 million or $4,000 a week for life?

If Lottery Winners have taught me anything it's: 1. Remain Anonymous and 2. Take the payments. Other

+1 y

Do you consider yourself a SMARTass, DUMBass or a BADass?

According to my last work review I'm too much of a smartass. Other

+1 y

Is it disrespectful to your current partner if you refuse to unfriend your ex on Facebook?

"Either We are each other's Future or You are stuck in the Past . In which case I'm Out ." Relationships

+1 y

Do you think guys under 25 are immature and not ready to commit?

Not all of them. Some are mature/committed while even more Guys want to but don't know how yet. Just like women. Relationships

+1 y

Did you ever go through a goth phase?

I preferred to call it a "leave me alone" phase. Not that it worked then but with years of practice it's become resting asshole face. Other

+1 y

Is a girl smoking really unattractive to you?

As a former Smoker I have no issues about dating a smoker. It takes a lot to quit. Other

+1 y

You’ve been tossed into an insane asylum. What do you tell the people there to prove to them that you don’t belong inside?

"Don't worry I'm just here to observe the fall of civilization. It's safest here according to future reports." Other

+1 y

How would you feel if your partner offered you weed?

Same thing I always say "Just because you're sharing with me doesn't mean I will." Relationships

+1 y

Does everyone have a twin or look alike?

If he's out there then all I can say is, best of luck. Other

+1 y

When a salesperson knocks on your door, do you answer?

I usually curse and swear out loud on my way to the door, cause I work nights, and that normally scares them off. Other

+1 y

Would it bother you if your girlfriend/boyfriend posed nude in the past?

Absolutely. I've been in that spot before. Unless she has sole control over the pictures I don't see the relationship working out. I'm not counting the normal flirty relationship pics. But yeah if... Relationships

+1 y

Is it okay for a girl to post bikini pictures when she has a boyfriend?

As long as he gets to see it on you first, shouldn't be an issue. Relationships

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