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8 mo

What will you do when the National Wireless Emergency Alert System test comes today?

Happened already at 2:20pm yesterday, it worked and they obviously can reach most people unless your phone is off Technology & Internet

8 mo

Can anyone recommend a good tablet (iPad, Android)?

Apple is better I think, I’ve tried both, touchscreen is better but you’re limited with the App Store compared to android but apple iPad is more user friendly Technology & Internet

8 mo

Are Chevy cruzes not dependable cars?

Well certain years of Chevy are just trouble, unfortunately they are not that good lately Technology & Internet

9 mo

Should Twitter get rid of blocking?

Maybe it’s cyber bullying but it’s a necessary evil like on here. It’s called X now but it’s still twitter to me, don’t know why Elon changed the name Technology & Internet

9 mo

Could you live without any digital devices for 24 hours straight?

Yeah if I’m not at work I could easily but everything is electronic and uses digital these days so I wouldn’t be able to use my car or answer the phone, good thing I have a bicycle Technology & Internet

10 mo

CONCRETE made with COFFEE GROUNDS... what do you think?

Sounds like a good use but I’m surprised it’s stronger since it’s organic and will eventually degrade Technology & Internet

10 mo

What would you do with EXTRA ARMS?

You could get twice as much work done while building something Technology & Internet

10 mo

What will you do if the wifi goes down for 24 full hours worldwide?

Maybe you mean internet, I could always use my phone network but if it’s everything I could just watch tv and use regular gps for navigation or paper maps Technology & Internet

10 mo

Why does it take so long to download images on my threads?

Probably your modem running slow from internet provider after losing power Technology & Internet

11 mo

Do you ever say "on the line" in jest when you mean online?

No, I’ve never done that, but I have seen that movie where they work for Google Technology & Internet

11 mo

What are your top apps that you use simultaneously daily?

Safari since it takes me to other websites , insta, YouTube, mail, and lottery Technology & Internet

11 mo

What do you usually use to listen to music?

Car radio usually, sometimes home system Technology & Internet

11 mo

Who has run a shop on here? Looking for advice?

I only know one user on here that has been a seller on Etsy for years, 888thegreat I think is the username Technology & Internet

11 mo

What is a Notch Filter and what is it's function?

To me it functioned more like a squelch to get rid of noise from other stations, not sure if that’s the answer you are looking for though Technology & Internet

11 mo

If a person message you out of no where and you don’t know them what would you do?

I usually ask them who it is because I don’t recognize their number Technology & Internet

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