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6 mo

Do you use a real or fake Christmas tree?

Real tree every year for the last 34 years , before that it was a fake one Holidays

6 mo

Omegle is dead. What's your thought about it?

Never used it but some sites just disappear, they don’t work good anyway, I’m still single Technology & Internet

6 mo

What is Something you are Planning on Getting Rid of as 2024 Approaches?

Maybe old clothes to make room for new clothes I get every Christmas Holidays

6 mo

Would you ever break up with someone during the holidays because you can't afford to buy them a gift?

No but it’s probably a good idea to not date so close to Christmas or Valentine’s Day since it might be awkward not getting anything if you just met Holidays

6 mo

Is Anyone Planning To Travel for The Christmas Holiday?

Probably not, at least not that I know of Holidays

6 mo

I'm starting to think that time passes quickly because of phones, what do you think?

Things get done faster because of phones since you can reach anyone right away and also get information quickly from a smart phone Technology & Internet

6 mo

What was your first phone?

An old Motorola from Radio Shack I bought from a guy 32 years ago, I had free nights and weekend minutes, it only had voice, no text back then except Morse code when did ham radio Technology & Internet

6 mo

Whoa, is Elon Musk starting to lose his mind?

Seems like money has gone to his head Technology & Internet

6 mo

Why Don't People Answer Your Questions When Texting?

Odd response, maybe he wasn’t interested Technology & Internet

6 mo

Can USB-C cables be used on devices from different brands?

Yeah it still works but they don’t last as long as the ones made for apple products Technology & Internet

6 mo

What was the best Christmas gift you got? What was the best Christmas gift you ever gave?

I guess when I got my daughter, an apple laptop and the best one I ever got was maybe a nice jacket Holidays

7 mo

Are you Planning or Are you Already Doing An Exercise and Diet Program before Christmas?

I don’t have to make any changes, my job is quite physical and I don’t eat bad , I don’t smoke and hardly drink so I’m good Holidays

7 mo

Are you good with modern technology?

Pretty much, not bad considering I didn’t have much technology around as we do now that I had to learn later in life Technology & Internet

7 mo

Have you started Christmas shopping?

Only a little bit since I’m mostly do shopping online Holidays

7 mo

Is there Anyone in Your Life who is Suffering the Cost of Living During the Holidays?

Well, it’s definitely tough for my brother since he’s on a limited income and has a family to support Holidays

7 mo

Why do some people like the "Holiday" 🤣?

I don’t like them like I did as a kid, too stressful now and doesn’t mean the same Holidays

7 mo

Is coffee a bad Christmas gift if you buy 6 bags of beans?

I don’t see a problem with it unless they don’t have a coffee grinder then you might want pre ground Holidays

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