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6 mo

Have you ever had a Christmas TREE ACCIDENT?

Not really but a friend’s dog try to pee on it since it’s a real tree one year so we can’t have him over until after we take the tree down Holidays

6 mo

Super random, what social media where you using 10 years ago?

Nothing but YouTube I guess and this site Technology & Internet

6 mo

Do you agree with these HOLIDAY MOVIES?

Home Alone makes sense for New York but so would Miracle on 34th street Holidays

6 mo

What do you want for Christmas most of all?

Good fortune, good health and my kids to be safe Holidays

6 mo

Have you ever gone over your internet limit?

Years ago it happened because my data plan was not always enough back when things had a limit but it’s been unlimited for years now on my plan Technology & Internet

6 mo

What part of Christmas do you NOT like?

At my age I feel like I’m sick of all of it and just going through the motions, I try to be cheerful about it but seems played out to me Holidays

6 mo

Do you buy yourself Christmas gifts?

Yeah because I see something I like or can use when I’m shopping for others Holidays

6 mo

What is One Big Resolution you are Bound to Keep, Come Hell or High Waters?

I’m hopefully going to somehow get a house but it might take longer than I hoped for, maybe I’ll find a partner before then Holidays

6 mo

Has Anyone this Year or Even Around the Holidays, Heard of Gift Card Scams?

I’ve known about those for years, scammers try all kinds of things Holidays

6 mo

Would you be happy if your girlfriend took you to Bali for holidays?

I’d be happy to have a girlfriend take me anywhere Holidays

6 mo

Are people putting up more Christmas decorations this year then in years past?

I guess with the inflated housing prices people are staying put and dressing up their homes more for a change Holidays

6 mo

Have you ever dated someone "just for the holidays" so you wouldn't have to show up alone to events?

Never had anyone I could just take spur of the moment like that and I wouldn’t do that if I had the intention of breaking up afterwards Holidays

6 mo

What are your favorite Christmas Cookies?

Gingerbread man or the Christmas treeS Holidays

6 mo

What drink is your favorite around Christmas?

Sometimes eggnog or apple cider Holidays

6 mo

Why do you think Haunnaka (spelling) doesn't get the love and respect like Christmas does?

Christmas is more commercialized and there are more Christians in the USA than Jews , Jewish people are more strict with their religion and stay in their tight communities Holidays

6 mo

What's Something BIG that could Throw a Monkey Wrench into The Holidays?

Could be many things like losing your job or having to change travel plans Holidays

6 mo

Do you know anything about computers? Does it interest you?

Enough to get by and I have some interest in them but I have many other interests Technology & Internet

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