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+1 y

Should forced "involuntary psychiatric commitment" be outlawed?

No, I don't see any need to outlaw forced involuntary psychiatric commitment. I don't think it's carried out all that often but what else is law enforcement supposed to do with individuals who... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Which kind of water is the best for clearer skin?

I drink tap water 99% of the time and I get a lot of compliments on how great my skin is. Keep in mind that where I live, Canada, has the cleanest tap water in the world basically so there's no... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How often do you ride a bike?

I generally go for a bike ride with my boyfriend and some friends of ours once a week or every other week. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is it okay to wear a see through shirt at the gym?

I don't see any harm in that, so long as you've got a bra underneath or something. There are girls who go to the gym in spandex booty shorts paired with just a sports bra and there's nothing wrong... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do people shit on their genetics?

Dude... nobody can 'naturally have abs'. Nor can they look like the girl in your top photo without sticking to a pretty intense regimen of squats on a regular basis, on top of many other things. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do I get nauseous when I take my pills/drink some water right before bed lately?

... that's a lot of medications to be taking on a regular basis. I bet your stomach isn't happy with that amount of chemicals. Try taking some OTC pills for indigestion. That's what helped me when... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do some people think it's fine to never work out if you're naturally thin?

Well... I think the main motivating factor for the majority of people to start working out and continue to do so is to maintain their figure. To stay looking good. If you're already naturally... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do I shut of my emotions and feelings when something is going wrong in my life?

Try to be more open about how you feel when things get tough and you know that you'd normally start to bottle it up and express them in ways that turn self-destructive. I'm kind of the same as... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is it gay to use the elliptical machine in the gym?

ho·mo·sex·u·al ˌhōməˈsekSH (əw) əl/ adjective 1. (of a person) sexually attracted to people of one's own sex. noun 1. a person who is sexually attracted to people of their own sex.... Health & Fitness

+1 y

I have period like cramps but I'm not on my period? What's the deal?

you can get cramps at any time, not always related to your period. They're often related to exercise, or I'll often get cramps if I'm drinking way too much coffee and/or am a bit dehydrated.... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Which should I put my Amazon gift card towards?

Shoes. There's protein in a LOT of things, not just meat. If you eat eggs at any point, beans, dairy, nuts, whole wheat, quinoa, even some veggies, you're getting protein. If you overdo it on... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Runners: Advice for beginners?

20 minute sessions 3x/week is quite a bit to start with. Back when I picked up jogging, my boyfriend and I would hit a local running oval and jog 3/4 of it, so... roughly 600m, walk for 200m,... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why can't I find motivation to work out?

You can't find motivation to work out because your main priorities obviously lie elsewhere, like in continuing your real estate ventures. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Have you noticed that only fat people drink diet soda?

nope. I've seen mostly girls who seem to be very valley-girl like drinking coke-zero or diet pop. Health & Fitness

+1 y

I took my birth control pill an hour late yesterday and 2 hours late today. Could that be why im bleeding and cramping lightly?

It's a combination pill so you have a lee-way of up to 12 hours from the usual time to take it until a pill is counted as 'late'. You're probably cramping/spotting because of your body... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do I trick my body into weight loss?

There's no 'tricking' your body into losing weight. It either loses it, or doesn't. Things you could do to boost metabolism and make any weight loss 'easier' than simply making massive caloric... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How do you fight against anxiety?

When I'm feeling particularly anxious, especially during exam time or when a bunch of big assignments are due, I've found that being sure to make time for a quality workout at the gym has been a... Health & Fitness

+1 y

So far I've lost 18 pounds but how do I keep the weight off?

I found that the easiest way to maintain my weight loss is to keep my diet healthy and get regular exercise in reasonable measuers. Meaning I don't eat just one meal a day, or only greens or... Health & Fitness

+1 y

I'm sooo f*cking frustrated with getting toned! Were all my workouts a waste because I had to sit out and rest for two weeks due to a pulled muscle?

No, all of the workouts you did prior to pulling something in your quad which made you have to take 2 weeks off did not go to waste. Though you may have lost a bit of progress, the muscle... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Are females more physically flexible than males?

yes, we do have a biological predisposition to being more flexible. I actually googled it a while back when my boyfriend defended him being pretty non-flexible in comparison to myslef simply... Health & Fitness

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