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+1 y

Do you think you are healthy?

I like to think that I'm pretty healthy... I make sure to get my servings of greens on a daily basis. Try to eat healthy for the most-part aside from that, like not too many carbs, minimal... Health & Fitness

+1 y

How to tell someone they're getting fatter without being mean?

You don't need to tell him that he's getting 'fat'. Just mention, in a really nice way, that you've noticed that he put on a bit of weight recently and that you think it'd be a nice idea if you... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Do you think that forced psychiatric commitment should be banned?

No, I don't think forced psychiatric commitment should be banned. I doubt many people who are legitimately mentally ill would be peach keen about the idea of being 'forced' into a psychiatric... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Nuvaring and hormonal birth control side effects?

Yes, the mood swings and depression you're experiencing could certainly be resulting from the Nuva ring. Symptoms like that could occur any time hormonal birth control is used. I know that many... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Any tips on how to get through some anxiety?

Exercise helped me manage my anxiety a lot. When I'm feeling particularly anxious, as if I'm about to start hyperventilating quite often, or something, I go to the gym and push myself at cardio... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Am I going to catch the sickness bug?

Not necessarily. If his symptoms only started showing on Tuesday, the bacteria/virus was most likely already in his system as of last weekend so I guess your immune system was able to build up... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Okay gym goers. What does cardio do for your body? And will I get really bulky if I weight lift?

Cardio is great for losing weight, plus toning up. I'd recommend the elliptical with the resistance increased a bit.. It's great for you legs/ass, plus quite a good amount of calories getting... Health & Fitness

+1 y

I'm A Girl With An Endomorphic Body, How Can I Lose Weight?

A high protein diet isn't the way to go if you wish to lose weight. Unless you're working out insane amounts, excess protein that you consume will be stored as fat. Also, the more muscle you put... Health & Fitness

+1 y

A lot of treatment centers are not accepting me, should I be worried (former "virgin hunter" guy)?

.. first I hear for mental health centers not accepting patients with ASD, impulsivity and/or generalized anxiety. Find a better centre. Those are all legitimate disorders and if these centres... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Will skipping a day in your workout make you "restart"?

Persistence is key as in work out more often than once every few months. I don't know what your friend means by your muscles having to 'start over' from skipping just one day in your workout... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Needed tips for going back to the gym?

There's nothing to be nervous about. To other gym-goers who are actually into their workout, you're nobody. Most people there will be too focused on finishing their reps, set, or own routine to... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is it too late to get braces and are they worth it?

Braces are totally worth it. My teeth were never too bad but they're perfectly straight now, and just better aligned. It's never 'too late' to get braces.. one of the counselors at my... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Worst time to have to sneeze?

When you just took a giant bite of a burger or something. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Motivation to workout?

Just remember that you might have a nice body right now thanks to your always working out, but that the results could disappear very quickly should you stop working out and start eating pretty... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Girls, How much sexyer does a good tattoo make a guy?

Tattoos don't make a guy any hotter. For me, they'd actually be a turn-off. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Why do I have nipples?

Because when we're still fetuses, all humans start with just one x-chromosome. Only when the second chromosome expresses itself is our gender determined, including nipples becoming mammary glands... Health & Fitness

+1 y

Is it possible to have big boobs and not be fat?

yes, of course. Breast-size is not necessarily always directly related to body fat %.. it's also determined by where you happen to carry any excess fat, amount of breast tissue, etc.. Health & Fitness

+1 y

Are you happy with your body?

I've come to be happy with my body, 95% of the time. :) Health & Fitness

+1 y

How much more weight to loose to have a chance dating girls?

... no amount of weight you lose, alone and in itself, will be an easy fix to your having a chance in dating girls. Work on how personable and friendly you are, in addition to staying relatively... Health & Fitness

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