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7 mo

Girls, Is it normal for a woman's boobs to jiggle just by walking?

Women's boobs, jiggle. Especially if her boobs are on the larger side. They are basically just squishy fat sacks, so yeah, they jiggle and bounce. Again, especially if they are being held in and... Dating

7 mo

What do you think is worse during a breakup or a date stops seeing you: Being ghosted or them telling you straight up that its over?

In my opinion, I would rather them tell me to my face that they want out of the relationship. It doesn't even matter what the reason is that they want out. I want a definitive answer. Ghosting... Break Up & Divorce

7 mo

True or false: The main purpose of marriage is to have children?

The main purpose of marriage is to love and be loved by another, nothing more and nothing less. If you want children, that's great. If you don't want children, that's great too. But everyone... Marriage & Weddings

7 mo

Should height matter?

People who prioritize factors like a person's height, looks, and specific physical attributes, such as large penile size, are often perceived as shallow and self-centered. These individuals should... Dating

9 mo

What's a body part you're weirdly attracted to?

His hands, more defined his fingers. I love a man with long strong (but not bulky) fingers. Think a pianists fingers. Well groomed and trimmed nails. Bonus points, if they are well used hands with... Dating

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