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6 mo

If a child asks their parent if Santa is real should they lie or tell them the truth?

TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT SANTA 🎅 Son: "Dad, I think I'm old enough now. Is there a Santa Claus?" Dad: "Ok, I agree that you're old enough. But before I tell you, I have a question for you. You... Holidays

6 mo

Do you have an unusual or unique Christmas tradition?

Every year on Christmas Eve night we get to open one present and each time it a new set of pajamas to wear to bed and then wake up to open presents Christmas morning. Holidays

7 mo

For people who celebrate Christmas, do you go all out on decorations or just the bare minimum?

I hang garland and ornaments around my entire downstairs ceiling, around each doorway, and window. There are wreaths on each door. There are glass paintings that each of my children painted, as... Holidays

7 mo

What is a Christmas movie you don't like but everyone else seems to LOVE?

Elf... I can't stand that movie. Also, A Christmas Story. Holidays

7 mo

Which one of these would you pick to date a person based on: money, looks, or personality?

I don't care about money or looks, I just want someone that has good morals that treats everyone with respect and care. A man who tries to be a better person than he was the day before. Dating

7 mo

What if your s/o hates your pet, would you get rid of it when they move in if your relationship depended on it?

Nope, my boyfriend/so best love my children, pets, and my family, or it's a no-go for the relationship. I will never choose a man over my children, pets, or my family. Relationships

7 mo

POLL- Who are you going to spend Thanksgiving with?

I will be spending Thanksgiving with my family. Holidays

7 mo

Pumpkin pie or pecan pie. Which one gets your vote?

I love both, but I will always choose the pecan pie over the pumpkin. Holidays

7 mo

Is it worth it to marry at 40?

If you are in love with another person it is perfectly acceptable to marry that person and live your life together no matter what either of your ages are. Age is just a number. I would much rather... Marriage & Weddings

7 mo

Will you get to be with all of your family for the holidays?

I will be spending the holidays with the only family that counts in my life, so I feel very lucky and blessed. Holidays

7 mo

What Will You Be Eating the Most of Next Thursday?

I will be eating a little bit of everything. I am never very hungry when dinner is done because I eat a lot of veggies from the veggie tray. Healthier that way. Holidays

7 mo

Will you celebrate New Years?

I celebrate the New Year by eating! We make a lot of handheld snacks and snack throughout the day. We will have a cracker, cheese, and veggie tray with hummus and ranch. And then we will have... Holidays

7 mo

What's your strategy for dealing with Thanksgiving leftovers?

We will send leftovers home with our guests and then we will eat leftovers for a couple of days and then we will be creative remaking the left overs into something else. Holidays

7 mo

What are your favorite Thanksgiving/Fall activities that you do with your loved ones?

Fall starts my Christmas shopping, got to find the perfect present for each of my family members and friends. It was much easier when the children were little a box of legos and a coloring book... Holidays

7 mo

Can you date a bald (ing) guy?

I don't mind dating/marrying a man who has a buzz-cut/shaved head or a balding/bald man. I think a man's values and personality are more important than what he looks like. Dating

7 mo

Who does more breaking up, guys or girls?

I would say that women initiate more breakups than men, the same as with divorce. Because the man in their life is not giving them what they need to be satisfied in the relationship, the most... Dating

7 mo

Why do you normally leave a relationship?

I would not stand for someone who cheats on me. That is a one-and-done circumstance. For me, there is no second chance for someone who has cheated on me, I will never be able to trust that person... Break Up & Divorce

7 mo

Women, if your man went to jail protecting you, would you wait?

Obviously, it would depend on the actual situation, but... So, just for an example, we'll say that my man and I go to a bar and as we are leaving we are ambushed by three drunkards who are putting... Relationships

7 mo

Which type of life is better and easier?

Each person has to choose their own path in life, so there is no right or wrong answer to this question. I would choose to marry and have a family with kids, but that is only my choice. Relationships

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