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6 mo

Do you keep your pubes during Christmas?

I keep mine all year round! Holidays

6 mo

Which of the following activities to do with your partner do you consider the most special?

Dancing together... Being held in each other's arms. Body parts are sliding, rubbing, brushing, and bumping against each other, hearing your partner breathing, and feeling it blow and drift... Relationships

6 mo

Ladies, would you date a mechanic?

I can't think of a job that would disqualify a man from my dating pool, except for not having a job. And a mechanic, hell yes I would date a man who can fix my car for the price of parts! Dating

6 mo

Do you like giving or receiving gifts on Christmas?

I prefer the giving... I spend a lot of time looking for the perfect gift for each person on my list. It makes me excited to watch them open it and see their faces light up, their eyes go wide... Holidays

6 mo

What Christmas movie do you love watching every year?

Home Alone 1 & 2 White Christmas The Santa Clause Die Hard The Grinch (the original animated version). Holidays

6 mo

Is this normal or understandable?

Most guys with children move slower because they have to protect their kids from becoming attached to someone and then having their hearts broken when Daddy's relationship doesn't work out. I... Dating

6 mo

The Most Efficient Method Of Rejecting Guys?

I don’t have that many suitors knocking on my door so I very rarely have to give the great brush-off, but if and when I do I just tell them, "Thank you for the fun time but I don't think that I am... Dating

6 mo

What’s a dealbreaker for you in a relationship?

Cheating or finding out he has a history of cheating. Lying, I won't lie to him, and lying to me will get him booted. Smoking & Drugs Excessive Drinking to the point of getting drunk Full body... Relationships

6 mo

Are you a split the check kind of dater?

I voted, yup. Although, I really would have preferred an "other" option because I think it depends on the circumstances. I like a first date to be a coffee date or a drink in a bar where it is... Dating

6 mo

Would you like to get married?

I would like to find someone to spend the rest of my life with, whether that means getting married or not... I don't know. There are pros and cons to just living with each other vs. marriage that... Marriage & Weddings

6 mo

What would you like GaG to give its members as a Christmas gift this year?

I would love to have a dark mode, but I would also really love to be able to edit my posts. But I think the best thing would be an updated message system that allows you to hit enter to send your... Holidays

6 mo

Are you needy or independent?

In my life, I have had to be independent. I had no one that stood in my corner to protect me. When in a relationship, I choose to be needy. I want to be loved, protected, and cared for, but I also... Relationships

6 mo

What are some examples of narcissistic behavior in a relationship?

If you have a narcissist in your life, I am so very sorry. I have dealt with one, and in my experience once they get their claws into you it is extremely hard to get them to release you. They will... Relationships

6 mo

Minimum rating for a partner?

So I hit the wrong poll answer while doing something else. I meant to hit the 4 or 5 average partner. I just want a partner who can be responsible for himself and make sure he works and pays his... Dating

6 mo

Is it wrong to expect my husband to be nice to my family when I wasn't to his?

If he is doing this in retaliation for your behavior, then yes, he is being childish, but as an adult, you should also have been mature enough to realize that your treating his family... Marriage & Weddings

6 mo

Girls, If your friend was abusive in her relationships would you side with her and blame the guy?

I tell it like it is. My friends all know that. I am brutely honest whether my answer hurts your feelings or not. If my friend was being abusive, I would tell her to knock it off and that she was... Dating

6 mo

Who considers this truth, and who considers it bull-larky?

Yes, all of this is true. That being said boys have to learn how to do all of those things that are listed here and can't just be expected to know how to do them. Same as girls who have to learn... Relationships

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