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6 mo

A Christmas card without cash in it is pointless. Agree or disagree?

Christmas cards are meant to let people that you care about know that they are being thought of during the holidays, nothing more and nothing less. Holidays

6 mo

Which holiday is overrated?

New Year’s Eve Ah, the granddaddy of them all. Every year it seems like a letdown. Everyone sets high expectations only to realize it’s just another day except you do a countdown at midnight... Holidays

6 mo

Christmas is almost here. Are you excited?

Yes, I can't wait for everyone to open their presents and eat all the delicious food! Holidays

6 mo

What’s your favorite Christmas candy?

Chocolate-covered-toffee squares Holidays

6 mo

Have you ever sat on Santa's lap and told him what you wanted for Christmas?

Yes, as a child... but never as an adult. I always kind of felt it was creepy as an adult to sit on Santa's lap. Holidays

6 mo

Would you eat Christmas monster cookies?

Mmmm, I love monster cookies! I love cookies! Nom, nom, nom... I love cooookkkieesss! Give me cooookkkieesss! Me, cookie monster! Holidays

6 mo

Do you celebrate Christmas the 24th or 25th?

We open one present on Christmas Eve, which is always brand new pajamas. And then we celebrate Christmas on the 25th. Holidays

6 mo

Which one would you like more for Christmas dinner?

My family always has both turkey and ham for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Years and years ago, my best friend came to our house for the holidays and we always had turkey, but she didn't like... Holidays

6 mo

Do you prefer turkey or ham for Christmas Dinner?

My family always has both turkey and ham for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Years and years ago, my best friend came to our house for the holidays and we always had turkey, but she didn't like... Holidays

6 mo

What plans do you have for Christmas?

So, on Saturday the 23rd I will be celebrating Christmas with my 8-year-old niece and my youngest sister. Then on the 24th, my youngest son and I will be driving 3 hours to pick up my elderly... Holidays

6 mo

Do you like hot chocolate?

Ooh, I love hot chocolate! Not just at Christmas time either, but all year round. Holidays

6 mo

Are you excited for Christmas?

Yes, I love Christmas! I love all the decorations and lights. I love searching for the perfect present to give to each of my loved ones. It is an awesome exciting time to watch their faces light... Holidays

6 mo

Would you eat a white chocolate cranberry tart?

Ooh, yes, please! That looks so delicious! Holidays

6 mo

Christmas Meat of Choice?

My family always has both turkey and ham for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Years and years ago, my best friend came to our house for the holidays and we always had turkey, but she didn't like... Holidays

6 mo

Does anyone open at least one present on Christmas Eve?

Ever since I was a little girl each Christmas Eve I was allowed to open one gift on Christmas Eve, and it was always a new pajama set or nightgown. When I had children, I continued the tradition,... Holidays

6 mo

At what age did you first date anybody?

My first date was when I was 22 years old. Dating

6 mo

Girls, What's the main reason you wouldn't want to date a bald guy?

I wouldn't be embarrassed to date a bald man. Dating

6 mo

I love the Holiday theme background every year. Can we have a festive background for each month?

I like the festive theme also and would love to have one for each month. I really kind of like the idea of the members submitting recommendations as a contest and then having members vote by... Holidays

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