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7 mo

Why are boy band romance songs like this?

It’s the influence of their market. Pop music caters to the widest audience but has a niche subgroup in young women and girls, especially boy bands. Popular rap artists (RAP standing for Rhythm... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

What's the most artistic type of art? Like music, dance, sculpture, painting, theatre, etc?

You’re basically asking what art is with a question like that lmao. While yes, the visual formats of painting would undoubtedly be the most easily recognizable form of art, visual mediums are not... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

What is a Christmas movie you don't like but everyone else seems to LOVE?

All of them. Christmas movies are shameless cash grabs Holidays

7 mo

What would you think of a SpongeBob Nativity scene?

“Credit goes to the artist” is such a lazyass move. It’s not that hard to do a reverse image search on google to find the source. And the nativity scene matches the general surrealness of the show... Holidays

7 mo

What prevents you from being happy?

Money for a stable lifestyle that I can use as a foundation to freely pursue my interests Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Why did the Montagues and Capulets hate each other exactly?

Shakespeare never specifies why. They specifically talk about how it’s a feud that’s gone on for so long no one remembers why it started, just that they’ve never liked each other and they have... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Is there a music genre you can't stand to listen to?

Country. I hate country music. There are subgenres that get exceptions most of the time (gothic country, bluegrass). And I’ll listen to Dolly Parton because she’s deserving of her position in... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

The Hulk is looking to Smash you, which one is going to stop him?

Saitama has humor strength, meaning his physical strength fluctuates as One Punch Man. He’s as strong as he needs to be to make it funny. The hulk charging up on him to be knocked down with a... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Are Tv shows like, House Hunters, Tanked, Flip or Flop, Masters of flip, all fake?

All reality shows are scripted in some way or another, so if you consider that “fake” that’s your deal. I personally like seeing the way they edit it to make certain people look bad or good.... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

What are your favorite Thanksgiving/Fall activities that you do with your loved ones?

My mom doesn’t do a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. Instead of the usual turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce, she does a gourmet grilled cheese bar with so many different meats and veggies... Holidays

7 mo

Can you draw anime?

Not very well Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

What characters do you play as the most in Mario Kart?

I’m always a fan of shy guy, not too heavy, not so light I lose control of the vehicles in 200cc Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Which do you usually prefer, books or movies?

Depends on the story. Something like Everything, Everywhere, All At Once was made to be told in a visual medium because it would be so much less cohesive in writing. But there are also plenty of... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Do you think Country Music gets a undeserved bad reputation?

Country music has a bad reputation for a lot of reasons, not just the ones you mentioned. For one, it’s notoriously a white genre, meaning all of its most popular artists are white singers and... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

What is the most intense non-fiction film you have seen?

“Non-fiction film” are you talking about documentaries or fictionalized “based on a true story” movies like that cocaine bear shit? Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Are You a Real Gamer?

Are we gatekeeping games again? I had to deal with this shit like 15 years ago, I don’t want to have to “prove” myself to a bunch of assholes I never met who want to invalidate my use of the title... Entertainment & Arts

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