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1 h

Is it bad to pull a sickie on the first day of your new office job?

You’re definitely American, huh? You can’t help the timing of being sick. Illness is never convenient. Bring in a doctor’s note and your manager won’t say anything Education & Career

1 d

How do I fix this?

You’re overthinking, this is textbook anxiety: confrontation avoidance, fear of never being enough, constant need to people please, the need for external validation, etc. If your... Education & Career

3 d

Is it difficult to learn sign language?

Not anymore than any other non-anglo language, I would imagine Education & Career

5 d

Should a man be fired from a job for inappropriate looks at a woman?

I doubt he’ll be fired unless he continues the patterns. Most cases like this are a “we warn you now so we can give you the chance to learn.” If he doesn’t learn then he’s fired because that not... Education & Career

6 d

How much people usually have in savings by the age of 28?

I’m impoverished, technically. At 28, I had maybe $6k in my account and was renting my first place away from home. I’ve never made more than 20k in a year. I’m not the norm but I don’t think that... Education & Career

6 d

I hate my life, am tired? Please motivate me to keep going?

I got depressed my senior year of college too. If you genuinely feel like you’re suicidal then I’d recommend seeking a professional, maybe taking a year off if you can. Education & Career

8 d

Would you work for a paycheck?

I work for a paycheck now Education & Career

9 d

Do you want to retire?

Of course I want to retire, but the question of whether or not I can is what’s up in the air. Education & Career

6 mo

Am I the only one, who is not enjoying hobbies, that cost 0 money?

My hobbies are writing and reading, and while yes it costs money to purchase books, the writing costs come with my internet costs and electricity costs so I would have paid for that anyway.... Entertainment & Arts

6 mo

Realistically, is scooby doo dead by now?

Depends on which canon you’re asking for, but dogs can live upwards of 20 years if they’re cared for well. And considering Scooby’s design is that of the opposite of a perfect Great Dane, one... Entertainment & Arts

6 mo

Which mythical creature do you wish actually existed?

If the fae were real, it would explain a lot, a lot of things could be blamed on mischievous fairies Entertainment & Arts

6 mo

If a child asks their parent if Santa is real should they lie or tell them the truth?

My mom was always of the mindset that she would never lie to me, even when I was young and asking about Santa. She would usually deflect whenever I’d ask about him, but this was because she got... Holidays

6 mo

Why are boy band romance songs like this?

It’s the influence of their market. Pop music caters to the widest audience but has a niche subgroup in young women and girls, especially boy bands. Popular rap artists (RAP standing for Rhythm... Entertainment & Arts

6 mo

What's the most artistic type of art? Like music, dance, sculpture, painting, theatre, etc?

You’re basically asking what art is with a question like that lmao. While yes, the visual formats of painting would undoubtedly be the most easily recognizable form of art, visual mediums are not... Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

What is a Christmas movie you don't like but everyone else seems to LOVE?

All of them. Christmas movies are shameless cash grabs Holidays

7 mo

What would you think of a SpongeBob Nativity scene?

“Credit goes to the artist” is such a lazyass move. It’s not that hard to do a reverse image search on google to find the source. And the nativity scene matches the general surrealness of the show... Holidays

7 mo

What prevents you from being happy?

Money for a stable lifestyle that I can use as a foundation to freely pursue my interests Entertainment & Arts

7 mo

Why did the Montagues and Capulets hate each other exactly?

Shakespeare never specifies why. They specifically talk about how it’s a feud that’s gone on for so long no one remembers why it started, just that they’ve never liked each other and they have... Entertainment & Arts

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