Would you MASSAGE a stranger's LEG CRAMP?

Would you MASSAGE a strangers LEG CRAMP?

You're walking, alone, down a path when a stranger runs past you, then falls to the ground, in obvious pain, grabbing their leg. They call out to you, "Can you massage my leg. I have a really bad cramp. It's really painful."

What would you do? Please vote in the poll and explain your answer if you wish.

If you are a guy, assume the other person is a girl.

If you are a girl, assume the other person is a guy.

I WOULD massage the stranger's leg
I WOULD NOT massage the stranger's leg
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
1 d
@GirlsAskGuys I was afraid this would get put in the Sexuality topic, which is wrong. I selected Health and Fitness. Can someone please correct it. Thanks!
Would you MASSAGE a stranger's LEG CRAMP?
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