How do you take your eggs?

A recent study showed that a person's egg preference indicates a few things about their personality. I'm still thinking about how valid that claim is, but I thought it would be a fun question for a Friday! Don't forget to take the poll!

Sunny Side Up/Over Easy
Hard Boiled
Soft Boiled
Green Eggs & Ham
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
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Sunny-Side Up: Firm, direct, honest, doesn’t mess around; yet a touch of mystery to keep people guessing just a bit.
Poached: Particularly mysterious; likes to keep people guessing.
Over Easy: Despises confrontation, hates commitment and double-books themselves every night/weekend.
Scrambled 1 (dry): Hates risk; sensible and sharp; awesome manager/multitasker.
Scrambled 2 (w/ extras): Similar to your practical counterpart; lives a tad on the edge.
Omelet: Carpe Diem advisor type
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Shirred and Soft Boiled: Super picky "my way or the highway" type.
Hard Boiled: Disorganized "on the go" always rushed type.
How do you take your eggs?
Post Opinion