What do you know of Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) and do you know anyone who suffers from OCD?

I was diagnosed with OCD 14 years ago. The OCD themes that torment me, tend to change over time. The stuff I used to worry about back then is not the same stuff I worry about nowadays. OCD is a disorder that makes you worry excessively about irrational things and repeatedly check that everything is okay. For me, my OCD spikes when I enter a new phase in my life. Now that I've graduated from college and I'm about to start my career, my mind is being bombarded by all kinds of negative thoughts and irrational worries that makes absolutely no sense at all. I know I'll overcome it eventually as I've done so the previous times I've gone through rough OCD phases.

What do you know of Obsessive Compulsive disorder (OCD) and do you know anyone who suffers from OCD?
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