Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

It might be because it's summer or maybe because you just sweat a LOT but it needs to be said...it can be healthy!

I know it may be a source of discomfort (smell,etc...) but it has its healthy side too!!! ^_^


Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

1. It can flush away salt

Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

Yup...! the more you sweat the more salt you lose!!

2. It can help the organism get rid of alcohol

Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

If you've drank too much all you gotta do will be to sweat to get rid of dat alcohol

3. It can help unclog pores

Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

Unclogged pores=less likely to get pimples!!! yayyy

4. It cools down the body

Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

That's why we feel better after we sweat right?

5. You'll feel better

Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

It will release endorphins; thus making us feel much in a "feel good" mood.

So go ahead and get sweaty!!!!! :p

Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating

GAGers how much do you sweat?

Go Ahead and Get Sweaty: 5 Pros of Sweating
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