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Questions: Guy's Behavior

Why would a girl have a guy best friend?

I ask because so couples don’t have a problem with it and I even have been the best friend before. But isn’t that low key mean you guys have feelings for eachtother?
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Work crush? 😳😳😳?

So I recently started working at this place and I have a huge crush on this guy. He’s in sales I think. A big post probably. Funny thing is that I’ve seen him look at me several times too… he’s literally so handsome but I...
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Heart emoji replies?

so i asked a guy if he wanted to grab a drink or coffee sometime he replied with a red heart emoji and than a few hours later replied with a direct reponse that said: Yeah definitely I wouldn't mind that at all. How do i...
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Ladies, do you realize a 6 foot man who makes $100K/yr is only 2.3% of the population?

This includes gay men, old men, married men, obese men, ugly men.
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How come my work crush seemed so lackluster when he answered my question but just now he told me enjoy my lunch break? Isn’t that contradictory?

My crush at work was so lackluster when he answered my question when I asked for help with something With other people he projects his voice and stuff. Today I finally had a reason to ask for help from him and I could...
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Should I cut ties with him?

LTDR; I met a guy. Really liked him. We went on a few dates and I spent one weekend with his entire, family for his sister's wedding. Asked what we were doing after the wedding. He said he really liked me but wanted to...
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Am I over reacting?

My fiance is getting a second hand car , and we have been discussing about that... he said that the car he liked was 12 year old... so i was telling him to go for a much recent one's and to rethink his decision... we have...
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Guys, What's the big deal?

A friend and I were chatting yesterday about how much more tortured guys seem to be about trying not to stare at "a nice rack" today than they were about avoiding the medieval torture rack... And, both being women, we...
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Why is he still wanking over my vids?

My situationship with this guy ended 3 months ago. He ghosted me after admitting he had feelings. he messaged me at 4am sending me a video of me sucking his cock saying to me “hope it’s okay I still use these” then going...
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What is this guy trying to say?

I know this guy and since meeting him I’ve had some feelings towards him but I kinda assumed he’d never feel that way so I’ve pushed it down and have been just trying to exist as his friend. He normally avoids me more...
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What could he possibly be thinking?

I am a dancer and part of our career is to take classes. The first time I met him was during a performance we were getting ready for. I was busy getting ready and didn’t really think he was interested so when he said hi,...
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Did I disrespect my uncle?

I was talking to my sister and I saw this blue fan in our living room and I told my sister I know this fan my uncle "amats" gave it to me and asked me back the fan my uncle heard it and he's pissed because I should be...
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Is my boyfriend lazy?

My boyfriend is almost 30 year old. He constantly changes his job. Tells me "It's difficult to get a job". He can learn another profession. But he doesn't. Is he lazy? Whereas I immediately found a job
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Guys, does men start to miss the woman they've hurt?

I have a feeling that the guy that hurt me, is starting to miss me. He keeps getting close to me and staring at me.
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Why is my work manager giving me “flirty”/playful looks and smirks sneakily?

We’re closer in age and worked together a while but flirty has never been the vibe. He was talking himself up about his job position & money, and giving extra attention. Chatting and hanging around more, laughing harder...
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I told my crush how I felt but he didn't respond?

I texted my crush to see if he was interested in getting to know each other more. Apparently he forgot to save my contact from a previous interaction so the only response I got was about who I was, but after I told him he...
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Girls, Are you creeped out by autistic guys?

Just curious because my social skills suck
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