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Questions: Guy's Behavior

Should I reach out to the woman who I suspect my man of cheating with?

I confronted my man about a woman’s number he is constantly calling and vice versa for the past week. I find out because he left an old iPhone at my apt and as I was cleaning I stumbled upon it and unknowingly thinking it...
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Am I right about that this is rude?

I was standing and talking with my friend, while he was behind me. And later my friend told me, that he was staring at my ass, and even told another guy to look at it. Am i right that im pissed off by this? If he likes me...
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Why do male coworkers always try to appear disinterested in talking to me?

For instance when I’m in a one on one meeting with a male coworkers to discuss work they would look at me with a dull bored gaze or look away every 2 seconds at the grey wall just to signal that they are not into me. With...
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If he doesn’t like my pictures on insta, does it mean he has another girl?

He calls and texts everyday but won’t like nothing anymore but before he was all over my pictures. Do you guys think he has someone else?
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Guy is very angry at me?

He rejected me and I chased him. it was before 3 years. I have moved onn with a new guy and was in absolute no contact till last day when we bumped in. He was at movies with a friend. He seemed to be really angry when he...
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Tf does this mean (see details)?

this is a thread of a message with my coworker after work. i don’t know what he means by that last message he sent. i’m flirty as hell so don’t nind meeee :) ———— me: i’m high as hell but i just gotta say, that tech at...
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Why male friend asked me when I touch myself?

he says he sees me as friend only but wants to talk dirty. he asked me if i touch myself i said yes. then he asked me when i do it. i refused to reply. he started acting cold when i denied to tell him. what is he thinking...
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Am I wrong for telling my boyfriend to go f**k himself?

I was asking my boyfriend an opinion on a dress I wanted to wear at a party, and he thought it was too figure hugging , but when I told him my parents would be with me, he agreed but warned me to stay away from creepy...
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Why does my boyfriend make me out to be a hater?

Couldn’t think of a good title but this is kinda the situation I’m in. In the past, I’ve told my boyfriend that I don’t like when my partner plays video games for hours on end and ignores me in the process. Just something...
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Can a guy fake who he is on snapchat?

he sends snaps of himself his face and all and selfies. is there a way to fake those?
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Why are some men like this?

I have this coworker and he has been teasing me on and off for 2 years now. A few months ago he became really touchy and not liking me talking to certain men. Me and him was talking one day and she just stared at me...
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What does it mean if you say someone is "incredibly kind"?

What does it mean if you say someone is "incredibly kind"?
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What are things guys wish girls knew?

What are things guys wish girls knew? About the way guys think. About how you communicate... Or things guys wish girls knew when it came to dating. Things guys wish girls would understand about them.
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Does he really like me?

I solved a problem at work. He told me "You are a smart girl. I like it".. is this just a compliment or does he like me?
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What Does It Mean When A Man Looks At You?

multiple times and maybe ten seconds at a time? This happened to me at the pool I am a blk female this particular male was white, with a white girlfriend. I understand some people look out of disgust, but it was sort of...
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I have pushed a guy away. Please advise if I should try to reach out to him?

Hello, Me and this guy matched on hinge. We talked for a month, shared social media. It was all good, he's very sweet but the he sent me a shirtless photo. I did not react well saying that he got a wrong idea. He...
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He said I’m powerful?

I met up with a guy to hang out and have sex. (No strings attached) We were talking and hugging, he wanted me to sit in his lap/put my legs in him, etc. It was good and I enjoyed the holding affection. The very...
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