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Questions: Guy's Behavior

Is there a reason a guy would supposedly be with someone yet continue to follow random females on socials?

Like, you don't look like them either they're really thin and beautiful too but he's always messaging you and he returns your sentiments? Why would he continue adding these girls if he supposedly wants you?
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What do you think of this guy's behaviour?

So a few months ago I ended my long term relationship, the last year have been very suffocating and heavy and at the moment I don't want anything serious. I have a guy friend who also ended a relationship a year ago with...
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Why does it kinda pisses him off when I say to him "come here"?

He says that I shouldn't tell him what to do, or give him instuctions. He's not super mad about it, but its annoys him, and sometimes he doesn't even listens.
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Is there a chance he likes me?

i recently hosted a party for my birthday with friends and this guy kept fixing and adjusting my clothes and as well as my hair. he kept eye contact though mostly the whole thing. he also noticed that i got a haircut but...
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It’s too long so i’m asking it in the details please help 😭?

so i had my sweet 16 recently and he grabbed my sash from my table, put it on me and started adjusting my clothing to it, as well as fixing my hair and bouncing my curls lol. he was also making eye contact pretty much the...
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Are Men Really Wired to Protect and Provide?

This is actually a genuine question (hear me out). I was taught that men want to provide and that they feel stripped of purpose if they are not allowed to do that. Hence, women staying home and tending the house, even...
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What do you do when your self esteem drops this low?

Like I have over time become so self conscious about my appearance that I don’t like leaving the house and when I do like today going to the store and feeling that some women were looking at me it gave me immense anxiety
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Meaning of this statement?

What does it mean if ex boyfriends say, he is never safe from me? Not in his safety as he thinks I’d harm him, but in general his feelings.
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Is it normal to have no friends?

When I tell people this, I am just stating a fact like the sky is blue, water is wet or my hair is dark, I’m not looking for sympathy but often I’m met with a sympathetic look and when I told my attorney (he asked what my...
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Men and what they really mean?

I been talking to someone on and off 6 months great connection great sex.. he told me today he thinks im very dangerous.. i asked why.. he said “ohhhh dont you worry “ lol wthhhh help
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What type of man goes after not just sex but also money?

Inspired by the question regarding if men mainly use a woman for sex, I think I've encountered a different, strange breed. Supposedly once they use a woman for sex, they're gone but this wasn't my case. My first ex...
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Reposting.. am I overthinking?

At work, one of my students father will always find a way to make conversation even to the point he pulled up to my car ( in the parking lot) just to make a pointless conversation about my daughter being in the front seat...
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If you're crazy but attractive, can you get away with most things?

Say you're highly attractive to a guy, but you're also crazy as in erratic with communication, you say you'll show up but don't, etc. Realistically I've seen this behavior and the guys just take it if they're really into...
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Why did he shout on me?

My gym trainer (general one, not personal trainer) I think likes me because he used to get really jealous whenever any guy used to come upto me, he asked me to stay away from people in the gym.. He sent me a diet plan on...
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Why my boyfriend gets mad when I just imply how I feel about him?

Is this a red flag? One example: he was often talking about his exes. I told him one day “seems you miss your exes all the time”. And he was like what do you mean? Why did you start talking about this out of nowhere....
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What’s the difference between relationship vs situationship?

So this guy was staying and leaving multiple women, giving them engagement rings, and constantly intentionally being thrown out of the house. Women was giving him money but he didn’t buy anything for them. He kept giving...
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Why he took so long to reply back?

We went from texting everyday to him took almost 2 weeks to reply. I dont like it so i decided to delete our whole conversation along with stuff he shared like videos pictures.. etc. Today he came back online but didn’t...
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