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Questions: Guy's Behavior

Why does the guy I had a thing with start putting me down in front of other people?

So, I'm in a friendgroup with like 8 people since 3 years. Two years ago I started noticing that one of my guy friends started having sexual interest in me. Back then it was completely fine, we always watched movies the...
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My boyfriend is following a bunch of trans-girls online what does that mean?

He’s super into my curves and boobs and al but I’m confused as to why he’s interested in trans people on instagram
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Do you think he had feelings for me?

I dropped a friendship on VR with these two guys, and the reason I did it was it was becoming draining they argued and put me in the middle of it. They were both long term friends, and they were so fun at first. I have a...
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Why did he touch my hip?

We have a crush on each other, we're colleagues. And yesterday he tried to make it seem like he was just walking past next to me, so others didn't notice, but with this hand he touched my hip (felt like it was pretty...
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Why would a guy leave me on delivered after I threatened to sue him for sexual coercion?

He left me feeling completely like nothing. I feel depressed and rejected like most guys have done. It’s like he’s always letting me know that I’m not good enough I told him that I think he’s a downlow guy who really...
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Guys, Why would he say "stay in touch" if he has a girlfriend?

I met this guy professionally and I felt we had great chemistry - he encouraged me to stay in touch from the start. He is very responsive when I reach out asking for his help and so sweet. We spoke a few times and so I...
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What is men's favorite thing?

I think they like sex, cars and football. what do you think?
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There is a snob rich boy I know, whom I interacted with on Twitter. I don't follow him on insta. He followed a nobody mutual friend on insta? Why?

This guy is into politics and his social circle is of high end people. I just happened to give him few suggestions which he followed. Not that he follows me on twitter but he accepted my suggestions. I think that's normal...
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Why am I still thinking of him?

So I got attached to a guy online, we're the same age, and we're pretty close now. He treats me well and clarifies when he leaves mid convo. In the process I fantasized and got attached to his perfect image which I had...
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Why do some men give me dirty looks?

Some men give me that dirty look when we make eye contact so i look away, they be staring at me first, the rest either have a poker face or a disgusted expression like that "ew" expression, for reference i'm an average...
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What does this message from a guy mean to you?

If you decide to move and find someone better I won't hate you... background: he has family problems going on
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Is he uninterested if he only messages me once or twice a day?

He messages me in the morning or nighttime does that mean he's not interested? he does go to work
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Help me understand this man?

He was nice to me. He would cover me for breaks without asking when we first met. He initiated every conversation but didn't initiate conversations with me as much as he did with other people. blushes and smiles, with eye...
He was nice to me. He would cover me for breaks without asking when we first met. He initiated every conversation but didn't initiate conversations with me as much as he did with other Show More
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Guy friend you’ve known for a while says would you and him ever go on a date, he asks jokingly?

Guy friend randomly asks me if I would go on a date with him. For context, my girl best friend is his roommate has a crush on him and was hoping that moving in with him would seal the deal for her. I don’t think it’s...
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