Guys, is it true you are rarely complimented?

I recently saw something that said that guys are rarely complimented and then when they are, they hold onto that compliment. I heard a story that a guy was complimented and when he was he started to cry and said it is rarely he receives compliments. How do you guys feel when you are complimented, do you remember that compliment? If you are complimented rarely, how has that affected you? Do you guys wish you could share your feelings more, without being judged or seen as unmanly for it? I'd assume that most guys don't express their feelings and just hide them due to society teaching that guys are to be tough, and if they express their feelings they're weak. If they express they're hurt or sad, they're seen as weak. If they cry, they're seen as weak and told "only girls cry", which I believe creates a mask for men, causing them to hide their true emotions. Causing them to hide their feelings when they're sad, hurt or depressed, they feel lonely because they can't talk about their problems and emotions. I listened to something about rebounds and the guys said that when a girl goes through a break up she has more support than a guy would, because guys hide their pain. Not allowing people to know they're really hurting. That was so sad to hear. Women seem to be put at a higher place in this area in life then men. We're the ones that receive all the compliments, we get to express our feelings, and no judgment, but when it comes to guys it's wrong. I'm sure it is hard being a guy, as society seems to push this.. but I would disagree that a guy is weak just because he expresses his feelings.

Guys, is it true you are rarely complimented?
Post Opinion