Was this man flirting with me?

I went to McDonald’s and I was ordering my food when the guy who was taking my order told me I looked familiar. He named our old high school and said how I was in a specific teachers 5th period class. I said that I was in that class and walked away to go find my seat. When I went to get my order he just kept telling me over and over about how he recognized me. When I looked at my food he had given me a bigger sized drink then the size that was supposed to come with my meal. He also gave me extra chicken nuggets and was not stingy with my condiments. When I was eating he kept cleaning near me. Now the cleaning part can be a coincidence. But does it seem like he was flirting with me? My Grandmother was there with me and she said it did kinda seem like he was flirting with me. Please let me know what you guys think.
Was this man flirting with me?
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