Guy at the gym?

I see this guy at the gym once a week, every Monday. We initially made plenty of eye contact. As we started noticing each other more, we both laid low on eye contact and began to get good at ignoring each other. There was definitely some spark, but I'm unsure if he's interested because sometimes he acts like he's not. We've never talked.

I consistently saw him until he skipped a week, then came the following week, and skipped again the week after that. In my mind, I was sort of competing to see who could keep the streak going. It motivated me to go to the gym. It was fun while it lasted, but my interest in him died down. I didn't come for two weeks straight because I wanted to get over this silly crush.

After not seeing him for two weeks, I unexpectedly saw him on a Friday, a day he doesn't usually come. The way he looked at me and glanced at me that day has me concern. He still comes on Mondays— I know cause I have no discipline and started going after seeing him on Friday. Now it's been three consecutive Fridays that he's been there. Recently, he's been working out right next to me (even though other machines are available) and seems to be positioning himself where I can see him. This behavior makes me wonder if he's trying to get closer to me. Am I reading too much into this, or is he interested in me?"

Guy at the gym?
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