What if we never mention anything about kids, would men naturally want kids too?

I understand they don't like their gfs nagging about wanting kids, being scared of being baby-trapped and feeling pressured into it. Ok let's say we were to play dumb, never baby-trap you and never mention anything about wanting kids, would men naturally want kids too? Would they be capable of bringing up the topic themselves if the woman doesn't even remind them? Do they naturally (free will) want kids or not?

Here is the irony, they don't like being nagged but if some of them were to be suffering infertility (unable to ever impregnant a woman), several wouldn't like that either. One of my good friends is a fertility nurse. Several years ago, one of her patients was a married couple that's been trying to conceive for 3 years. It was discovered (teste 3 times) the guy had no sperm count and he actually left the office in tears.

Yes, even if a woman never mentions it
No, it naturally comes from women
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What if we never mention anything about kids, would men naturally want kids too?
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